School Visits

A Great Educational Resource

Learning Opportunities

We welcome groups from schools, colleges and educational institutions.

A visit to the Gibberd Garden provides ample opportunities to address many aspects of the National Curriculum including Art and Design, Mathematics, ITC and Science.

Children are able to develop their creativity and imagination by seeing a great variety of sculptures of different sizes, made from different materials. They can record from first hand experience and use this in their own work.

The Garden is available on weekdays, with the exception of Tuesdays and Wednesday afternoons.

The suggested time for a visit is two hours. A trail is available for primary schools to use as a basis.

Please be aware that one boundary of the grounds is a brook, there are other water features and some plants are poisonous.

Bookings and Enquiries

If you would like to make a booking please call 01279 442112 and leave a message on our answer machine or drop us a line through our contact form.

Educational Visits


  • £3 per child under 16 years
  • £4 per student aged 16-21 years
  • Free: Teachers and accompanying adults, admitted *free!

*In a ratio of one adult per five children (primary) and one adult per eight pupils (secondary).

Group Size

We have a minimum group size of 10 and a maximum of 60.

Access for Large Vehicles

The lane from the main road is half a mile long and single-track. It has three sharp bends and is a cul-de-sac. It is not suitable for large coaches, but access and turning are possible for minibuses and small coaches.