Volunteer at The Gibberd Garden

Invest Your Time in Something Worthwhile

The Gibberd Garden is run almost entirely by volunteers and you will be assured of a warm welcome if you join us. We would love to hear from you, as we are always seeking volunteers to support us in varying roles such as:

  • Gardening
  • Ticketing and Admissions
  • Gift Shop
  • Hosting in The Gibberd Rooms
  • Hospitality in the Cafe in the Barn

We are especially looking for Volunteers with specific skills, that can help and support us with the following:

  • Fundraising.
  • Newsletter/Magazine Editor.
  • Web and App Design.
  • E-Commerce.
  • Marketing and Social Media.
  • Carpenters, Plumbers, Electricians, Painters/Decorators.

Our season runs from April – October and we are open on Wednesday and Sunday afternoons plus various special events. Whatever time you can spare will make a big difference to helping us keep this very special garden open.


There are some perks to volunteering at The Gibberd Garden, such as a Volunteer’s pass which entitles you and a guest to free entry on days when the Garden is open to the public. You will also get to meet interesting visitors, work in great surroundings and be alongside like-minded friendly people.

To Find Out More

To find out more about becoming a volunteer, please email admin@thegibberdgarden.co.uk, or register using our Volunteer Registration Form. You will be assured of a warm welcome.

Ingers Wheelbarrow in The Gibberd Garden
New Volunteer Asset

Volunteering Opportunities

The Gibberd Garden is currently recruiting volunteers for the following roles:

  • Tuesday – Gardening Volunteers: Join a nice group of Volunteers who help maintain the Garden alongside our Professional Gardening Team.
  • Wednesday and Sunday – Host Volunteers: To open the Garden to the public for a minimum commitment of  one four hour session per month.
  • Generic – Volunteers: As and when, to assist and support us with fundraising, bids and tenders, e-commerce, general administration and with our marketing and social media.

For more information and further details please email:   admin@thegibberdgarden.co.uk or drop us a line through our Volunteer Registration Form. You will be assured of a warm welcome.

Coutts Bank Columns at The Gibberd Garden